Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Little Bit of Spring!

March 20th is the official first day of Spring.

I cannot wait till we see change in weather!

I'm looking forward to long weeks of sunshine and streets filled with tree blossoms!

I hear it's already happening is some places.

Unfortunately not here in the Northwest!
It's rainy and gloomy :(

Although we do get a little bit of sunshine here and there.

Which I am very thankful for :)

Since we don't have any budding trees around here just yet.

I had to have something that reminds me of Spring, of the coming Spring!!!

(Sorry for the bad quality of the pic, I just noticed! U could tell that I'm an amateur!) lol

Have a great day!



  1. No way. I love this photo. Very artistic.

  2. Me too! I hope the sunshine comes our way! I noticed some trees did start it's blooming! :) HAPPY SPRING!
